3D Untertage-Seismik
Richter, H., Jaksch, K., Zirkler, A., Giese, R., Krawczyk, C. (2023). Use of polarization properties of seismic waves to improve Fresnel Volume Migration of three-component subsurface seismic data, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, Volume 170, 105449.
Strauch, B., Richter, H., Zimmer, M., Giese, R., and Zirkler, A. (2022). Underground in-situ investigation of spatial and temporal changes of rock salt integrity in the marginal area of a natural CO2-rich cavernous structure. Applied Geochemistry, Volume 139, 105264, ISSN 0883-2927.
Wawerzinek, B., Lueth, S., Esefelder, R., Giese, R., Krawczyk, C. (2022): Performance of high-resolution impact and vibration sources for underground seismic exploration of clay formations at the scale of a rock laboratory. - Geophysical Journal International, 231, 3, ggac283.
Giese, R., Lüth, S., Richter, H., Wawerzinek, B., Jaksch, K. und Esefelder, R. (2021): 3D-Underground Seismics in crystalline, salt and clay rocks. NSG2021 27th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Conference Proceedings, Volume 2021, p.1-5.
Lüth, S., Esefelder, R., Richter, H., Jaksch, K., Schwarz, B., Wawerzinek, B., Giese, R., Krawczyk, C.M. (2021). Licht ins Dunkel bringen, System Erde, 11(2). pp. 18-23,
Esefelder, R., Wawerzinek, B., Giese, R., Lueth, S., Krawczyk, C. (2021): Seismic anisotropy of Opalinus Clay: tomographic investigations using the infrastructure of an underground rock laboratory (URL). - Swiss Journal of Geosciences, 114, 21.
Strauch, B., Arndt, J., Barth, J., Giese, R., Kühn, M., Myrttinen, A., Richter, H., Steding, S., Zimmer, M., Zirkler, A. (2019): Wo Salz, Wasser und Gas sich treffen – Kavernenrandbereiche unter Tage und unter der Lupe im Forschungsprojekt ProSalz. - System Erde, 9, 1, 20-25.
Richter, H., S. Hock, S. Mikulla, K. Krüger, S. Lüth, U. Polom, T. Dickmann, R. Giese (2018). Comparison of pneumatic impact and magnetostrictive vibrator sources for near surface seismic imaging in geotechnical environments, Journal of Applied Geophysics, Volume 159, 173-185, ISSN 0926-9851.
Giese, R., Jaksch, K. (2016): GFZ Underground Laboratory in the Research and Education Mine “Reiche Zeche” Freiberg. - Journal of large-scale research facilities, 2, A68.
Giese, R., Kück, J. (2014): Untertageexploration – Instrumente und Methodenentwicklung. - System Erde, 4, 1, 60-65.
SPWD (Seismic Prediction While Drilling)
Jaksch, K., Giese, R., Kopf, M., Jurczyk, A., Mikulla, S., Weisheit, S., Groh, M., and Krüger, K. (2010). Seismic prediction while drilling (SPWD): Looking ahead of the drill bit by application of phased array technology. Scientific Drilling, 9:41-44.
Giese, R., Krüger, K., Jaksch, K., Virgil, C., Neuhaus, M., Poletto, F., Schleifer, A., Reichmann, S. (2017). Single- and Multi Well Imaging Field Survey with the SPWD-wireline prototype at the Piana di Toppo Test Site in Italy. 4th EAGE Borehole Geophysics Workshop. Abu Dhabi.
VSP (Vertical Seismic Profiling)
Kästner, F., Giese, R., Planke, S., Millett, J. M., Flóvenz, Ó. G. (2020). Seismic imaging in the Krafla high-temperature geothermal field, NE Iceland, using zero- and far-offset vertical seismic profiling (VSP) data. - Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 391, 106315.
Millett, J. M., Planke, S., Kästner, F., Blischke, A., Hersir, G. P., Halldórsdóttir, S., Flóvenz, Ó. G., Árnadóttir, S., Helgadóttir, H. M., Vakulenko, S., Buryak, S., Erlendsson, Ö., Giese, R., Cavailhes, J. P., Jerram, D. A., Guðmundsson, Á., Júlíusson, E. (2020): Sub-surface geology and velocity structure of the Krafla high temperature geothermal field, Iceland: Integrated ditch cuttings, wireline and zero offset vertical seismic profile analysis. - Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 391, 106342.
Simon, H., Buske, S., Hedin, P., Juhlin, C., Krauß, F., Giese, R. (2019). Anisotropic Kirchhoff pre-stack depth migration at the COSC-1 borehole,
central Sweden. - Geophysical Journal International, 219, 1, 66-79.
Simon, H., Buske, S., Krau, F., Giese, R., Hedin, P., Juhlin, C. (2017): The derivation of an anisotropic velocity model from a combined surface and borehole seismic survey in crystalline environment at the COSC-1 borehole, central Sweden. - Geophysical Journal International, 210, 3, 1332-1346.
Giese, R., Jaksch, K., Jurczyk, A., Mikulla, S. (2009): Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur seismischen Erkundung einer geologischen Formation. Patentnr: EP2433158B1